Making sure veterans know the facts about issues that impact them.

Every year decision-makers in DC and state capitols bring issues to the table that affect veterans and their families.

Our mission is to combat misinformation and disinformation to ensure veterans understand the pros and cons of bills and regulations that impact their everyday lives.

Who we are

Vets Knows the Facts is a hub for Veterans who want to learn more about the policies that affect their lives.


Myth #1 “The VA is easy to navigate”

  • Anyone who has filed a disability claim with the VA knows that the system is extremely onerous and time-consuming. Look no further than the VA disability claims backlog: There are over 243,000 pending claims that are backlogged, or older than 125 days since the submission. That’s over one-third of active claims.

Myth #2 “The VA is efficient”

  • The VA requires that claimants provide proof of their disability, proof of eligibility for VA disability benefits, proof that their disability is related to military service, and medical evidence of all the above. Many disabled veterans need assistance collecting, vetting, packaging, and providing these materials, ranging from general guidance to medical evaluations, to hands-on preparation of their claims. To argue that the VA is an ally in this process is akin to arguing that the IRS is helpful in tax preparation.

Myth #3 “VSOs are fast and accessible”

  • While well-intentioned, VSO groups can be understaffed and under-resourced in many areas of the country. This leads to bureaucratic slowdown and limited offerings for veterans. Local representatives and members of VSOs don't solely focus on just disability claims and simply don't have the time or expertise to focus on individual disability claims.

We’re building a movement of veterans and their allies to ensure that their voices are heard as Congress debates policy proposals and legislation. Join us.

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Veterans deserve to know about the policies that affect them and their families. Vets Know the Facts advocates on behalf of the veteran community, aiming to drive positive change and honor the sacrifices made in defense of our freedoms.

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